AI Automated Outreach

🔍 Automatically find and research verified leads across popular databases.
💌 Send high-response personalized emails and LinkedIn messages.

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Image of dashboard and example recipients
Build with love by people from Amazon, McKinsey, Apple, and Softbank
Build with love by people from Amazon, Apple, Softbank, and McKinsey
How it works

Tell Hyperscale your ideal audience and why you're reaching out.
Hyperscale will automatically find details about them and send hyper-personalized messages.

Book Demo
  • Find Qualified Leads

    Millions of verified people, companies, and locations of interest based on any criteria - in minutes.

  • Personalize Every Message

    Boost response rates by sending tailored messages that look personally "handwritten" to each person rather than using obvious placeholder-style messages.

  • Run Omnichannel Campaigns

    Connect Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more!
    Integrate campaigns with any CRM.

Get Started
Image of two people collaborating on sales
Image of customer profiles

Find Customers

Describe who you want to reach. Receive millions of qualified leads in minutes. Our data is instant, up-to-date, and cross-platform.

  • Bullet point
    Verified business contact details instead of personal Gmail or Hotmail
  • Bullet point
    Companies similar to your existing clients.
  • Bullet point
    Physical locations and people who work there.
  • Bullet point
    Companies hiring for roles similar to your services.
Get Started

10x more leads.
10x faster.

10x more leads.
10x faster.

Image of people looking happy using Hyperscale

messages, at scale.

Use Hyperscale's cutting edge AI to adapt every message to the recipient's details and even your personal tone.

Adapt to every lead

We automatically adapt your message to every lead based on their current role, interests, specific needs, and professional background.

Magic wand icon

Add your personal touch

We use your most responsive emails to fine-tune messages, so they sound more like you and convert more leads.

Smiley face icon

Connect any account

Connect your Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn or Instagram account to reach out to your customers across channels.

Lightning bolt icon

Automate campaigns

Set frequency, follow-up cadence, and channels for outreach. Pick respectful times optimized for read and response rates.

Cloud and moon icon

Effective follow-ups.

Schedule when to automatically send messages and follow-ups using contextualized emails so you don't have to keep chasing.

Connect your tools.

Tell Hyperscale your ideal audience. Watch thousands of leads roll in. Integrate with your existing workflow.

Example of tools that work with Hyperscale

Scale any operation.

Whether you are a B2B, B2C, or B2G solopreneur or large enterprise, Hyperscale can find and covert the right customer faster.

Image of people enjoying sales automation
Use Cases

B2B Services

Recruitment Agency
Find companies that are hiring for the roles you offer. Filter them by company size. Then reach out to offer your candidates.


B2B SaaS
Find companies on LinkedIn based on vertical and company size, then sell to their founders or leadership team members.

D2C Products

Beauty Products
Find convenience stores and retailers on Google Maps and distributors on LinkedIn. Then sell directly to owners and buyers.

B2B Outsourcing

IT Support
Find companies hiring for IT support. Then pitch their leadership team or hiring managers on why an outsourced solution might work better.

Public & Social Sector

Skills Programs
Find professionals and academics as instructors. Then find local authorities, universities and course platforms to partner for distribution.


Find VCs, angel investors and alternative capital investors based on fund size, role and focus. Then send initial outreach to kickstart your round.

B2B Services

Recruitment Agency
Find companies that are hiring for the roles you offer. Filter them by company size. Then reach out to offer your candidates.


B2B SaaS
Find companies on LinkedIn based on vertical and company size, then sell to their founders or leadership team members.

D2C Products

Beauty Products
Find convenience stores and retailers on Google Maps and distributors on LinkedIn. Then sell directly to owners and buyers.

B2B Outsourcing

IT Support
Find companies hiring for IT support. Then pitch their leadership team or hiring managers on why an outsourced solution might work better.

Public & Social Sector

Skills Programs
Find professionals and academics as instructors. Then find local authorities, universities and course platforms to partner for distribution.


Find VCs, angel investors and alternative capital investors based on fund size, role and focus. Then send initial outreach to kickstart your round.
We scale with you.

Our credit system adapts to what works best for your existing workflow.



1K credits/mo

  • AI researches new clients and partners across multiple sources
  • Hyper-personalized messages to each lead based on facts discovered by AI
  • Import leads for enrichment
  • Automatically send emails and messages at scheduled times
  • Exportable database
  • 1 Email Account Connection
Start Free Trial

Most Popular



10K credits/mo

  • Everything in Starter
  • 5 Email/Social Media Account Connections
  • Integrate with any CRM
  • Custom searches and imports
  • Hands-on DNS and subdomain setup
Start Free Trial


50K credits/mo

  • Everything in Pro
  • Dedicated Account Manager/SDR resource to manage your entire outreach
  • Fine-tuned AI personalization
  • Custom Data Sources and Triggers
  • Unlimited Account Connections
Start Free Trial

They scaled 10x faster.
So should you.

See how others have scaled their sales and outreach operations without hiring new staff.
"I can finally reach people impossible to find on ZoomInfo and RocketReach."
Candice Li
Small Business Owner, Sisyphus
"We send 10x more emails everyday now, and every one still feels personally handwritten!"
Koray Okumus
Recruiter, Circooles
"Love how simple and clean the product is so that my team were able to pick it up right away."
Mollie Hall
Direct of Sales, Sisyphus
"I spent less on Hyperscale than Hubspot + Apollo + Close combined and got a 22% reply rate!"
Portrait of a woman
Olivia Rhye
Founder, Layers
"Paid for itself when my cold email turned into a sale the very next day."
Kelly Williams
SDR, Figaro
"Super responsive and switched-on team helped us integrate with our data pipeline smoothly."
Jason Williams
Data Engineer, Catalog

Everything you need to know about Hyperscale.

Which companies are Hyperscale suitable for?
We work equally well with B2B, D2C and B2G companies. If your ideal customers can be defined clearly by an industry vertical, job title, geographical location, company size, fundraising stage or other filterable criteria, our automations will work perfectly for you. This can be very granular, e.g. "Find me Finance Directors at companies with <100 employees based in Colorado who have recently tried to hire Accountants".

Where we are less well suited is when your customers have intangible, difficult to filter characteristics: e.g. "Find me couples looking to divorce". As few couples about to divorce would classify themselves this way publicly, it's hard for us to find them.
How does this compare to my existing lead gen provider?
Hyperscale searches across multiple major lead generation providers paired with AI to get you the highest confidence contact details possible. Hyperscale also performs deep research about each person to get you valuable insights about a person beyond just their job title or company - leading to richer message personalization. Instead of paying for multiple lead gen providers and email verification services, Hyperscale does all of that for you and only charges credits when verified lead contact details are found, not per attempt. How do we afford this expensive exercise? Scale.
What is different about Hyperscale's personalization?
Most platforms already have a trendy "Generate with AI" button where you would manually click each email that will go out, or it will generate some template that will still look bland and impersonal such as "Hi [first_name], I see you are [job_title] at [company]" which quickly ends up in spam.

Hyperscale automatically personalizes every outgoing tailoring whatever you're pitching to their specific background. This means having an AI that can sell ice to Eskimos tailor every single message based on what the AI discovered about the person during its research.

Rest assured, you can still edit every message before it goes out.
How does message generation work?
We use our proprietary models paired with cutting-edge Large Language Models such as OpenAI's GPT-4 (the latest version of what is commonly known as ChatGPT) and Anthropic's Claude to generate personalized message drafts. We tailor these messages to each customer by prompting the model with each customer's public profile information. We also fine-tune these models with your edited message drafts and the messages that generate the most responses. This way, your messages will sound more and more like you over time, and also yield better responses.
Can I control the messages I send out?
Yes, you can check, edit, rewrite or delete every single message before they go out. You can also deactivate a campaign at any time, so you are always in control.
Do you integrate with our CRM?
Yes, for Pro and Growth plan users, your data can then be integrated into any mainstream CRM. You can also export your data into a .csv at anytime.
How do you count credits in my subscription?
Credits are consumed when: a lead is successfully found, a message is personalized, and a message is sent. Each lead typically includes all public profile information (e.g. headline, occupation, profile summary, location, education/work experience etc.) and work contact information (e.g. work emails with a score for likely accuracy).
Is there a minimum contract or refund policy?
Your subscription will remain active at its current level until the end of the billing period that you've already paid for. We do not offer refunds.