B2B Services


Find clients by company size, industry and fundraising stage, then locate the right decision-makers by seniority, and reach out to them where it matters.

Find clients by specific filters

Using our natural language processing capabilities, we can streamline and automate the process of prospecting, engaging, and acquiring new clients for your consultancy. With our advanced Companies Search filter, we can focus on finding relevant leads based on targeted search criteria such as company size, industry, and fundraising stage.

Find the best point of contact

We merge job platform data with LinkedIn profiles and verified work emails, so your messages are sent to the right people. Using our search engine we locate you to the right decision-makers by seniority to ensure your outreach messages reach the relevant profiles.

Personalize messages to every recipient

Powered by OpenAI's GPT-4, our platform enables you to tailor your consultancy's value proposition to each company's specific niche, showcasing why you are the perfect fit for their needs. Now you can experience personalized messaging at scale and unlock new business opportunities like never before.

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