Sales strategies

Maximizing the Potential of Free Trials

Mar 16, 2023

Maximizing the Potential of Free Trials

Free trials are a great way to explore a product or service before committing to a purchase. They offer potential customers the chance to experience a product or service without having to invest any money upfront. For businesses, offering a free trial is a great way to get people interested in their offering and potentially convert them into paying customers. However, there are certain considerations and strategies businesses should take into account when offering a free trial in order to maximize the potential of the free trial and ensure it is successful.

Establish Clear Objectives

Before offering a free trial, it is important to make sure you have clear objectives and goals in mind in order to measure the success of the trial. It is essential to understand what you want to achieve from the free trial - are you looking to increase sales, generate leads, or build brand awareness? Having well-defined objectives will help you to measure the success of your free trial and ensure it is achieving the desired outcome.

Choose the Right Length

The length of the free trial is an important factor to consider. It should be long enough to give potential customers enough time to explore the product or service, without being too long as to reduce the chances of them converting into a paying customer. Generally, a 14 day trial is the ideal length as it is long enough for people to explore and experience the offering but short enough to keep them motivated to convert.

Make the Sign-up Process Simple and Straightforward

It is important to make the sign-up process as simple and straightforward as possible. The fewer hoops customers have to jump through the more likely they are to complete the sign-up process. Make sure the process is quick and easy, with minimal required information to complete the sign-up. Any extra information you require should be optional.

Make the Trial Accessible and Easy to Use

Once customers have signed up for the trial, it is important to make sure they can easily access the product or service. The easier it is to use and navigate the more likely people are to stick with the trial. Make sure the trial is intuitive and easy to use, with clear instructions and help for customers.

Offer Value During the Trial

It is important to ensure the free trial offers some kind of value to potential customers. This could be in the form of exclusive discounts or offers, free content or access to premium features. Offering value during the trial will ensure customers get the most out of the offering and are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Provide Support

Providing support to potential customers is essential during the trial period. Make sure there is a support team available to help with any questions or queries customers may have. This will ensure customers are able to make the most of the trial and will also increase their chances of converting into paying customers.

Offer Incentives

Offering incentives to potential customers is a great way to encourage them to convert into paying customers. This could be in the form of discounts, bonuses or even a free gift. By offering an incentive, you are more likely to encourage customers to upgrade to a paid subscription.

Collect Feedback

Collecting feedback from customers during the trial period is a great way to understand their experience and identify any areas for improvement. Feedback can help you to make changes and adjustments to your offering, and may even help to identify potential upsells or additional features customers may be interested in.


Free trials are a great way for businesses to attract potential customers to their product or service. However, businesses need to make sure they are taking the right steps to maximize the potential of the free trial in order to ensure it is successful. This includes establishing clear objectives, choosing the right length, making the sign-up process simple, making the trial accessible and easy to use, offering value during the trial, providing support and offering incentives. Additionally, businesses should collect feedback from customers throughout the trial period in order to understand their experience and identify areas for improvement.

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